Invitation to open distance course
Dear colleagues!
We invite you to take part in open distance course "Blended Learning", which will take 10 weeks from 2 October to 10 December 2017.
Target audience - teachers, trainers of educational institutions and departments.
Aim: to design mixed training sessions and learn the skills of blended learning process.
Learning outcomes: Designed training course for blended learning.
To participate in the course, you need to have the desire to study the new, teaching materials of one of your courses a distance course. If you do not have a distance course - in the first weeks of classes you will be able to create a distance course as an online resource. It is desirable to know the basic pedagogical theories: behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, andragogy.
Course program
1. Competences. Definition of blended learning
2. Definition of course goals. Course program
3. Distance course. Distance course activity
4. Methods of distance learning: Forum, seminar
5. Methods and models of blended learning
6. Mixed learning process
7. Gamification
8. Tests. Micro-lessons. The role of questions in the learning process
9. Active teaching methods
10. Monitoring and evaluation.
Participation in the course is free. Participants who complete all course tasks and will take an active part in the course will receive an electronic certificate. Upon request, you can get a certificate of advanced training in blended learning at the KhNADU.
Course author and tutor Kukharenko Volodymyr, research director of the Problem Laboratory of Distance Education NTU "KhPI", professor, Ph.D., author of more than 16 manuals on distance education.
The course is based on the monograph:
Theory and practice of mixed learning: monograph / VM Kukharenko [and others]; Ed. VM Kukharenko; Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. tech un - Kharkiv: KP "Miskdruk", 2016. - 284 pp. (
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