The Fifth International Conference "New Informational Technologies For All" - ITEA2010

The 23-25th of November 2010,  in the International  Center of Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Science and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Fifth International Conference  "New Information Technologies for All" - ITEA2010 took place in Kiev. The scientists of Research Institute of IT, the head of department of Multimedia and Distance Learning Technologies Kravtsov G., research worker Gnedkova O., specialist Alferov E have reported.

Following reports were presented:

Kravtsov G. "About management of quality of electronic informational resources in distance learning "

Gnedkova O. "Organization of communication on the base of Distance Learning System "Kherson Virtual University""

Alferov E. "The environment of demostration as instrumental tool for organization of calculating process"

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