To employees of faculties, institutes and departments of the Kherson State University!
Attention to employees of faculties, institutes and chairs of the Kherson State University!

   In connection with the appeals of employees of the university on questions of educational informative resources placing, we remind You to place educational informative resources (lectures, working plans, tests, questions to examinations/tests, laboratory and practical works) at the site «Kherson Virtual University» (Internet) or dlssrv/dls (local network). Information about the work of chairs, news, staff, scientific publications and other, we recommend to place at the site «The Kherson State University» .  
   We ask You to check up the capacity of educational informative resources created by You in the previous version of site, and which were automatically carried in the new version.
   From 1.02.2010 practical lessons will be organized on work with distance learning system «Kherson Virtual University». Persons interested to visit lessons apply by tel. 168 (inner) and 326748 or by  e-mail .

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