Registration of the new user
Warning! Registration on our site enables you:
  • Participating in votes.
  • Discuss your interests in our forum.
Also, with additional activation of your registration record, you can have the following opportunities:
  • Create tests and groups of training
  • Post your publications in various categories
  • Participate in the site life
Important! If anything is not necessary from above to you, you are not have to be registered in our site. Otherwise please don't fill the form below with "bla-bla-bla", try to fill it correctly. For example, if you don't want to fill some field, please leave it empty. Note: The asterisk (*) marks required fields for registration.

Lastname, firstname and middle:
* *
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Date format: day.month.year
Warning! Specify correct E-Mail, because the authorization data will be sent on it.
Select Your Role:
Note: The choice of a role in any way does not limit action of your registration record. You can replace a role at any time
Registration Code:


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Voting Did you participate in distance learning?
I'm not interested 51
No, but I want to try 155
Yes, in the role of tutor (student) 184
In Total Votes: 390
Please, register for voting
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